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Version: v5


These methods are accessible using the bottom sheet reference or the hook useBottomSheet or useBottomSheetModal.

import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import { Button } from 'react-native';
import BottomSheet from '@gorhom/bottom-sheet';

const App = () => {
const bottomSheetRef = useRef<BottomSheet>(null);

const handleClosePress = () => bottomSheetRef.current.close()

return (
<Button title="Close Sheet" onPress={handleClosePress} />
<BottomSheet ref={bottomSheetRef}>


Snap to one of the provided points from snapPoints.

type snapToIndex = (
// snap point index.
index: number,
// snap animation configs
animationConfigs?: Animated.WithSpringConfig | Animated.WithTimingConfig
) => void;


Snap to a position out of provided snapPoints.

type snapToPosition = (
// position in pixel or percentage.
position: number,
// snap animation configs
animationConfigs?: Animated.WithSpringConfig | Animated.WithTimingConfig
) => void;


Snap to the maximum provided point from snapPoints.

type expand = (
// snap animation configs
animationConfigs?: Animated.WithSpringConfig | Animated.WithTimingConfig
) => void;


Snap to the minimum provided point from snapPoints.

type collapse = (
// snap animation configs
animationConfigs?: Animated.WithSpringConfig | Animated.WithTimingConfig
) => void;


Close the bottom sheet.

type close = (
// snap animation configs
animationConfigs?: Animated.WithSpringConfig | Animated.WithTimingConfig
) => void;


Force close the bottom sheet, this prevent any interruptions till the sheet is closed.

type forceClose = (
// snap animation configs
animationConfigs?: Animated.WithSpringConfig | Animated.WithTimingConfig
) => void;